Multifaceted Conscientiological Encyclopedism

Dulce Daou


The innovative character of the Encyclopaedia of Conscientiology (EC), as a theorical fulcrum of the neoscience, is fed daily by the publication and singular presentation of differentiated labcons, composing a harmonic, coherent, and cohesive body of multidimensional research, consolidating it, from the veteran parascientificity of the proposer of this group megagescon to the more incipient self-scientificity of the neophyte intermissivist. This paper addresses various aspects of Conscientiological Encyclopedism envisaging to contribute to the expansion of the cosmovision of such neoparadigmatic work. The methodology used consisted of daily observations and grasp of the effects of neoencyclopedism in the management, editing, and review of EC verbets (heteroresearchology) and self-experiences related to personal verbetography (self-researchology). Considering cosmovisiology, the research, findings, and arguments on the diverse views of Conscientiological Encyclopedism, notably the holokarmic, reurbanological, reeducational, self-relaying, and verponological, exposed here, illustrate the wholesale scope of the work, sampling of the neoscientific magnitude of the group megagescon of the International Cosmoethical Conscientiological Community (ICCC).

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