Heuristics Applied to Parareurbanology
This paper aims to present a method to produce leading-edge relative truths (verpons) in parareurbanology, and propose new concepts, aspects, and approaches regarding extraphysical reurbanization. The methodology used in this research was based bibliography review of works related to this specialty and on the findings and paraperceptions of the authors, obtained in assistantial energy fields generated by the duo, during penta sessions, and mainly in reurbexological incursions carried out in pre-selected locations in Europe, and especially in Germany. The method for generating knowledge, which was called para-heuristics, is based on evolutionary, universal principles of conscientiology, basic concepts of the specialty parareurbanology, and the observation of facts and parafacts related to the reurbex. Among the results obtained, the most notable are reurbexological friction, a concept proposed to explain the exacerbated radicalizations caused by group ideological divergences, including armed conflicts, the relationship between the cosmic flow and interplanetary transmigrations, and the logic surrounding current global movements.